Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Fast Metabolism Diet Book Review

I received a free copy of the "Fast Metabolism Diet Book" from SheSpeaks. I was excited to try something new, and this book's premise looked promising. After 30 days, I have to say, there are some good ideas in the book. 

Haylie Pomroy has some interesting ideas to help you boost your metabolism without wrecking your health or starving. One of my favorite parts of the book is the meal plans lists that show you exactly what you should eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are four weeks of meal plans and many recipes.

Nevertheless, I don't want to give you the impression that this is an easy diet to follow. This is not a simple plan. It takes a lot of effort to do it. Plus a warning for my readers: If any of you can't have gluten or dairy, you will have a hard time following some of the  advice. If you have other diet restrictions such as allergies to certain fruits or nuts, this will also make it more difficult. The "Fast Metabolism Diet Book" has some good ideas, but it may not work for everyone.